NNAD believes that the Deaf and their families have a fundamental right to access services in all aspects of their lives and the recognition of Deaf Excellencies.
To advance and promote the rights of the Deaf in Nigeria.
NNAD vision is of an inclusive society where the Deafs are fully integrated, with equality of opportunity and participation. It is our role to make this Vision a reality by promoting the equal rights for the Deaf and enhancing their life opportunities.
Sign Language
Recognition of the Nigerian Sign Language (NSL) as the preferred language and medium of communication among the Deafs and Hard of Hearing in Nigeria
To improve the Welfare, promote inclusion and well-being of deaf people across Nigeria.
NNAD aims to work closely with the legislators in order to persuade and influence them on the need for improved access to legislative proceeding for the deaf citizens. This is with a
view to have deaf representatives in the senate, House of Representatives and House of Assemblies of the Nation.
NNAD Overview
Board of Trustees
Check out the individuals that made up the NNAD Board of Trustees and the zones they presently represent in Nigeria
NNAD Executives
Check out the individuals that made up the NNAD Executives and their appointed roles
Constitution & Bylaws
Follow below to check out and download NNAD Constitution & Bylaws

Nigerian Deaf Women
The National Umbrella Cluster of NNAD that advocate and serve the interest of Deaf ladies and Women in Nigeria.

Youth Section
The National Umbrella Cluster of NNAD that advocate and serve the interest of Deaf youths in Nigeria

State Branches & Association
NNAD membership encompasses every Deaf across the entire 36 states in the 6 Geo-Political Zones in Nigeria. Follow below to locate your state zone and Chairman information
Hearing loss is a condition that describes inability to use the hearing organ for maximal purpose of hearing due to a defect/damage …
– By Raji Ade Oba (RAJ COMMUNICATIONS) “Man’s default tendency after a successful shot at success is to relax too much and …
– By Raji Ade Oba (RAJ COMMUNICATIONS) “Man has grown meanly distrustful of his fellow men- questioning others’ authenticity- their love and …
News & Event Reports
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has awarded Gallaudet University a $1.5 million cost extension for the Strengthening Deaf Education, Empowerment, …
PRESS RELEASE SUMMARY 4th December, 2024 Ladies and Gentlemen In our quest to fight Gender-Based Violence and trafficking in persons, the NNAD …
Date: 15th October, 2024 The Nigeria National Association of the Deaf (NNAD) Leadership, ably represented at the event by the NNAD National …
Stay in TOUCH
Suite 06, Room 4, 2nd Floor Mallam Shehu Plaza, NO 35, IT Igbami Street, Jabi District, Abuja, Nigeria
Adejumo Timothy (NNAD National Secretary) 08030820991 (SMS/Whatsapp only)